Meet the host of the multi-award winning podcast, Proud Stutter

Sunday SoulDay
May 20, 2024By Sunday SoulDay

In today's episode, we sit down with the inspiring Maya Chupkov to unpack her incredible journey and dedication to stuttering advocacy. Joined by our insightful hosts, Maya delves into her unique experiences with stuttering, the stigmas she faced, and her efforts to promote awareness and understanding through her multi-award winning podcast, Proud Stutter.

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We discuss the stress-induced challenges of speaking disorders, Maya's personal methods for nurturing her mind, body, and soul, and the exciting projects she's spearheading, including an upcoming documentary and more. Be prepared for an engaging discussion that challenges misconceptions, empowers voices, and offers a new perspective on living with stuttering. Tune in for a conversation that promises to enlighten and inspire!

A Few Key Takeaways from our conversation

Understanding and Awareness: The discussion sheds light on different forms of stuttering, challenging prevalent stigmas, and misconceptions, and helps in broadening our understanding and empathy.

Advocacy and Impact: Maya's advocacy work, including local resolutions and international collaboration, highlights the importance of legislative and community-driven initiatives in creating awareness and effecting change.

Personal Practices and Fueling Your mind, Body and Soul: Maya shares inspiring personal rituals such as sports and fitness routines that contribute to nurturing the mind, body, and soul, demonstrating the importance of self-care in overcoming challenges.

🎧 Check out the full episode to be inspired by Maya's story and learn more about the Proud Stutter initiative, their upcoming documentary, and how you can contribute and be part of this incredible journey.

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Confronting Stuttering, Incarceration, and Rebirth - Film and Storytelling |


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