Interviewing Tips for Podcast Hosts: Engaging Your Guests and Audience

Nov 26, 2023

As a podcast host, conducting engaging and insightful interviews is crucial to keeping your audience entertained and coming back for more. Here are some essential tips to help you become a master at engaging both your guests and your audience.

Preparation is Key

Before the interview, take the time to thoroughly research your guest and their work. This will not only help you ask informed and relevant questions but also show your guest that you value their expertise. Additionally, familiarize yourself with your audience's interests and tailor your questions to cater to their preferences.

Establish a Connection

Creating a comfortable and open environment is essential for a successful interview. Take the time to build rapport with your guest before diving into the interview. A friendly chat or small talk can help ease any nerves and set the tone for a more relaxed and candid conversation.

Active Listening

During the interview, practice active listening to show your guest that you value their input. Engage with their responses by asking follow-up questions or seeking clarification on their points. This not only demonstrates your interest in the conversation but also encourages your guest to share more insights.

Close up to the dictionary definition of Listen

Encourage Storytelling

Encourage your guest to share personal anecdotes and stories to make the interview more relatable and engaging for your audience. People connect with narratives, and storytelling can bring a human element to the conversation, making it more memorable and impactful.

Engage Your Audience

Involve your audience in the interview process by soliciting questions from them beforehand or during the recording or asking for them to leave a comment after the interview. This not only makes your listeners feel included but also provides an opportunity to address topics that are of interest to them, enhancing their overall experience.

Embrace Authenticity

Authenticity is key to building trust with both your guests and your audience. Be genuine in your interactions and avoid coming across as scripted or insincere. Authenticity fosters a more meaningful connection with your guests and resonates with your audience.

Adapt to Your Guest's Style

Every guest has a unique communication style, and as a host, it's important to adapt to their pace and tone. Whether your guest is more formal or casual, adjusting your approach to match their style can help create a more harmonious and comfortable dynamic during the interview.

Follow Up and Appreciation

After the interview, express your gratitude to your guest for their time and insights. A simple thank-you note or social media shout-out can go a long way in nurturing positive relationships with your guests. Additionally, follow up with your audience by sharing key takeaways from the interview and encouraging them to provide feedback. 

By implementing these interviewing tips, you can elevate the quality of your podcast interviews, foster meaningful connections with your guests, and create compelling content that resonates with your audience.

Written by, Damesha Craig